Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thank you!

This online class has been very difficult and challenging, but I feel that I have come out of it knowing much much more than when I came in. Even though our last project of designing a website is difficult because of time , I have really enjoyed watching my website come together from the flash features in it to just the simple little steps that look really really hard but then to find out there just pretty gosh darn simple.

One of the techniques I used to make everything run so smoothly is to take the slicing tool in photoshop, slice up my box's then go to file and save for web and devices. When you save it you can immediately open it in dreamweaver and WHALA! You have your website in perfect order! Yeah!

Seeing how it goes from dreamweaver to the Internet browser is crazy.

Despite the amount of work that online design requires I am glad that I signed up for the course and that I stuck it out all semester. I have learned more in this class and it will help me achieve my personal goals in the future.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, I am so excited that I have learned how to create a website that functions, I am very excited to dig deeper into dreamweaver over the years to come. You have taught me something that I will use for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So my day has become a little better, It really really sucks when you put so much time, effort and energy into a project and then its just gone over night. I have lost all motivation to do anything

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Websites, I love websites, I can see me creating websites in the future, I have sat down and sketched out a few but they all seem to look very much like a template, so I have decided to go out on a limb and do something that resembles, me, my family, CDP. The background is clouds and then there are images of CDP.

They look very crisp and clean there is a Shadow behind Contemporary and it looks very neat, the buttons look like buttons when you press them. There will be some sort of flash at the very begging, It is starting to come a long. Yeah.

Lets see, things that frustrate me in dreamweaver,

when you have a template a certain size you can't change it unless you change it to every single page.

Scroll bars are hard to find.

Trying to make everything not look so boxy.

Thinking of new ideas, trying to make it look different.

Resizing images! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Flash and Dreamweaver

BLAH!!! That is how I feel with flash right now and this project, everything I seem to do seems so tinnny tiny. I don't get it. I want to do more then text, but when I put image's in there it looks so small that you can't tell what the image is.

Maybe I will just go with simplistic and see where that takes me. I like simplistic things so why don't I try to incorprate it into design.

Ok, Done with that project so lets learn DREAM WEAVER YEAH!

I am going to design a website for a company called Contemporary Design. Lets see what I can do!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Font's and Articles

Just sitting here watching the cowboy game, wondering thinking about design and the project in my head. My first idea was to re cap the website and make it into a smaller formula that could be sunk into either a cell or a palm useing wireless capability. Then I thought about how does that pertain to design. So I came up with everything from short definitions of design to long definitions of design.

I want to do more then just text.

I want to do something with more in it. I just can't think of anything So I looked through font's and I have looked at some websites and nothing is coming along. So I guess I will keep on thinking and hopefully something will pop up. I am still running in circles trying to figure out Flash and button's.

Is there a way to click on a button and let it take you to another page in flash, or is that just in dream weaver? I want to learn so much and there is just so little time to do it in.

I am going to go with my gut and say that Flash is just like a movie and you can put buttons in it but it won't send you some where else. I will see what happens. hmmm... Let's let the wheels start turning...


Thursday, October 18, 2007

The more I learn the more excited I get and on Design!


OK Now that I got that out, I am so incredibly excited about leaning how to do action script withing Flash! I think it is so cool. This is what I want to do for a living, I want to create really cool flash presentations for the Internet, I know I have a long way to go, but I am ecstatic about learning it. YEAH!!!

I can not wait until Dreamweaver!!!

I have been in the process of designing a website basically from a template website, for a company called Contemporary Design, and I can not wait to really dig into flash and learn Dreamweaver there are just so much you can do when you design it from scratch then when you use a template document. Here is CDP's Website

Now on Design...
What is Design?
How do you define design? defines design as, "Click Here"

My first response was "Design is a process, it is a good idea, it is a premeditated plan to achieve a specific goal."

Then I thought about it for a while and here is what I came up with..."Design has to be balanced which is an equality with in a work, it has to have proportion this means having a relationship to elements one to another regarding to size. Design has to do with infesis on one thing that dominates weather it be brighter, bolder, bigger or smaller. Design needs some sort of sequence or order. Lastly Design needs to be united in a way where everything works as one element."

You then asked me can design be function? My answer is yes in actually design is Art and it can be any thing that you create from the mind.

That's my thoughts on Design...


Written Notes

Very 1st story Board
1. Red Riding Hood getting Ready in Car
2. Walk to the Bar
3. Good Guy and Lil Red
4. GG and Lil Red and Bad Guy
5. GG, LR, BG Talks to LR
6. GG Tell's BG off
7. GG and LR walk into bar holding hands
8. GG buys LR a drink
9. GG and LR in Bar laughing
10. GG gets phone number

(Need to Incorporated wolf or Grandmother some how into it)
(Think in layers and Actor's in Layers)

Back up work, Back up work, Back up work!!!

Area's that need work movement in bar and mountain scene, add cloud movement, work on leg movement work on the end, figure out what Lil red can do to kill wolf.

Process: When I started with the story Board, I had to big and to broad of an idea. Then I went to start by Red driving to her local bar to meet someone. I then changed it yet again and had Little Red go to her local bar by herself and Red was able to attack the wolf whom happened to be her local bartender.
I kept trying to find images that I liked and I just couldn't find anything. SO I ended up creating everything free hand in illustrator and importing it into Flash. I had so many layers.

My biggest problem with this project is every time I went to save a document the computer would absolutely freeze on me. It was so frustrating.

One thing that tremendously helped was watching cartoons. I don't watch much TV but when I was watching the cartoon network, I realized that flash is EVERYWHERE. I then was just watching my local TV show on Thursday night and I counted the number of Ad's that used even just a little bit of flash and I was amazed. Out of 16 ads during Grace Anatomy 12 of them used Flash in some way.

I think it is really cool to be able to look at a flash document and have an idea on how that was created.

Well that's it for now, I need to find a definition for Design. I will talk to you later.


Flash~Integrating sound
Transfer to an AIF file.
Keep the song with the File ALWAYS!
File Import Library/ Sync to Strain.
Bottom layer sound. More generic the better, drag sound to the stage and then set it as a key frame.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007


Blah, Blah, Blah, I just got home from Mississippi and it I think is the longest drive in the WORLD!!! Not really but when there isn't anyone with you, it seems like forever.

Back to Little Red Riding hood. I have been looking threw pictures of Bars and I have watched cartoons, I am not used to being assigned to watch cartoons, but it is pretty fun, I have more of an idea on what I am supposed to do, and it makes since that most of the stuff stays still in an cartoon or at least the background does.

So as I create my bar scene, I have noticed that I am having a difficult time with perspective, I thought about just borrowing an illustration from a book or from somewhere else, but my problem with that is that every scene I have looks horrible when I make it larger, so I started to create another bar scene. O get the bar scene in and little red riding hood meets the guy and it looks good and then it is gone, it disappears, my computer has frozen up. That is what I have dealt with over the past 5 hours a frozen computer

It's gone, It's all gone :( :( :(! I can't believe my computer Froze!!!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Little Red Riding hood

Outline for next Flash project...

Little Red Riding hood in a red convertiable.

  1. Red gets phone call from grandma asking to pick up dinner
  2. Driving to The Riverbottoms Bar and Grill
  3. Walking up to Bar
  4. meeting guy in bar
  5. talking to guy over beer (waiting for t-go order)
  6. holding guys hand
  7. gets little reds phone #
  8. walks red to her car with 2-go food
  9. little red drives off
  10. guy turns into wolf
Red gets a text saying I CAN SEE YOU!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007


So I have been sitting in the libary for the past 2 hours thinking to myself how can I take a brand like Band-Aid and turn it into a interesting product. Turning the word itself into something just by the word and not shapes or illustrations. I have been looking through out the web and my mind is at a BLANK!!! Blah!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I am learning Flash Yeah!!!

I am sooo excited! I have wanted to learn Flash for a long time! I have never really understood how flash works. I have opened Flash before, but I have never really done any thing in it until just recently. Here is my first Creation in it...(Alright, so I will try to add the video later, its not wanting to upload, Am I sure I want to do this for a liveing! J/K)

I know it is very much a beginner thing, but I am so excited about what there is to come! I have started to read ahead in the book just because I want to learn more about Flash. I am also extremely excited about what there is to come!

I was searching the web and looking at some Flash videos the other day, and I came across this website, it is a design agency based in Sydney Australia, I was looking through there clients and I loved every single one of there clients websites. There main clients are hotels and resorts. Some of them are simple flash with very intensive illustration and some of them are intensive flash and illustration. Here is

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Mind Over Load

I was searching the Internet today and I found a really interesting site that I enjoy. The site is Veer. com , it has everything from Illustrations, photography and type in which you can purchase.

I am shocked with how much there is to learn and to know about the graphics world. Every time I search the Internet, I am fascinated with everything there is to see. I looked at today and I am on brain over load. I sit here and look at all the flash technology and notice that I know nothing about flash. I guess you have to start with the basics of everything before you become an expert at it.

I also went to Wikipedia and typed in Flash. It tells a little bit of the history it helps me realize that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Flash came out only in 1996 therefore it is sad that I am just now learning how to use it but at the same time, I know that if I just keep on learning and working on it, I will be able to do the same sort simple things that I have seen on the Internet. It give me hope.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

1st Blog

So this class is going to be interesting, I am taking 16 hours this semester and 4 of them are studios, I am basically going to have no life, but I am soooo incredibly excited about it! Anyways, We will see how it goes, and I can't wait until my first project and I can't wait until I can use dream weaver and Flash, I have always been envious of people that can use it. We will see.
