Saturday, November 17, 2007


Websites, I love websites, I can see me creating websites in the future, I have sat down and sketched out a few but they all seem to look very much like a template, so I have decided to go out on a limb and do something that resembles, me, my family, CDP. The background is clouds and then there are images of CDP.

They look very crisp and clean there is a Shadow behind Contemporary and it looks very neat, the buttons look like buttons when you press them. There will be some sort of flash at the very begging, It is starting to come a long. Yeah.

Lets see, things that frustrate me in dreamweaver,

when you have a template a certain size you can't change it unless you change it to every single page.

Scroll bars are hard to find.

Trying to make everything not look so boxy.

Thinking of new ideas, trying to make it look different.

Resizing images! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!

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