Monday, October 8, 2007


Blah, Blah, Blah, I just got home from Mississippi and it I think is the longest drive in the WORLD!!! Not really but when there isn't anyone with you, it seems like forever.

Back to Little Red Riding hood. I have been looking threw pictures of Bars and I have watched cartoons, I am not used to being assigned to watch cartoons, but it is pretty fun, I have more of an idea on what I am supposed to do, and it makes since that most of the stuff stays still in an cartoon or at least the background does.

So as I create my bar scene, I have noticed that I am having a difficult time with perspective, I thought about just borrowing an illustration from a book or from somewhere else, but my problem with that is that every scene I have looks horrible when I make it larger, so I started to create another bar scene. O get the bar scene in and little red riding hood meets the guy and it looks good and then it is gone, it disappears, my computer has frozen up. That is what I have dealt with over the past 5 hours a frozen computer

It's gone, It's all gone :( :( :(! I can't believe my computer Froze!!!!!

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