Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I am learning Flash Yeah!!!

I am sooo excited! I have wanted to learn Flash for a long time! I have never really understood how flash works. I have opened Flash before, but I have never really done any thing in it until just recently. Here is my first Creation in it...(Alright, so I will try to add the video later, its not wanting to upload, Am I sure I want to do this for a liveing! J/K)

I know it is very much a beginner thing, but I am so excited about what there is to come! I have started to read ahead in the book just because I want to learn more about Flash. I am also extremely excited about what there is to come!

I was searching the web and looking at some Flash videos the other day, and I came across this website, it is a design agency based in Sydney Australia, I was looking through there clients and I loved every single one of there clients websites. There main clients are hotels and resorts. Some of them are simple flash with very intensive illustration and some of them are intensive flash and illustration. Here is Addition.com

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