Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thank you!

This online class has been very difficult and challenging, but I feel that I have come out of it knowing much much more than when I came in. Even though our last project of designing a website is difficult because of time , I have really enjoyed watching my website come together from the flash features in it to just the simple little steps that look really really hard but then to find out there just pretty gosh darn simple.

One of the techniques I used to make everything run so smoothly is to take the slicing tool in photoshop, slice up my box's then go to file and save for web and devices. When you save it you can immediately open it in dreamweaver and WHALA! You have your website in perfect order! Yeah!

Seeing how it goes from dreamweaver to the Internet browser is crazy.

Despite the amount of work that online design requires I am glad that I signed up for the course and that I stuck it out all semester. I have learned more in this class and it will help me achieve my personal goals in the future.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, I am so excited that I have learned how to create a website that functions, I am very excited to dig deeper into dreamweaver over the years to come. You have taught me something that I will use for the rest of my life.